How to Protect Android applications using password???

Every smartphone user has multiple apps installed, with many messenger apps and photo apps we would like to have some privacy regarding people peeping into our personal lives. And with people who have children who take your phone for playing games of watching cartoon movies it is very essential to have a lock on apps and even the app store preventing them from buying new apps without our permission, it helps you by letting you give space to your children without always keeping an eye on them while they use your phone. When you are in a hostel or are constantly with friends privacy becomes a big issue when everyone wants to peep into your personal stuff like your call history, messages etc

There is an App just for this called “App Lock” which lets you lock your apps with a password or pattern type of lock when anyone tries to open an app which is locked using App Lock.
Features of App Lock Application:
  • Allows you to Lock individual applications or selected applications in your smartphone.
  • A Pattern or Password lock is used for unlocking to use any application
  • Not only Apps but also call history and messages can also be locked
  • You can set a Password hint to remind you about your password when you forget it
  • Lets you launch the application on Startup (which is also available by android)

How to install “App Lock” Application on your Android Device:
  1. App Lock is a free app which can be downloaded and installed directly from “Google Play”.
  2. Go to Google Play Android Apps -Google play
  3. Type the respective “App name” “App Lock” in the Search bar which can be seen directly on the right of the Google Play logo.
  4. You can see a list of Apps which are similar to the App name which we have entered in the search but the app which you should be installing is the first search result.
  5. Go to – App Lock
  6. After the App page opens we can see the logo under which there is a “Install” button.
  7. After the app is downloaded is gets installed automatically and an icon can be seen in your icons list.
  8. Click on the icon which launches the app and you can use the features directly
After installing App Lock application in your android smartphone launch the application and you can see a page which will give you a numerical pad and ask you to set and unlock password for 2 times as you have logged in for the first time as seen in the image below.

After entering the password you will be asked to set a Security question and a Security answer and a Password hint which is optional to be safe in case you forget the password which you set.

After you have set the security question and answer and saved the setting you will be directed to a page where you can see 2 options on top of the page General and Advanced under General you will be seeing a list of all your installed apps and the option beside each app to lock them separately. Under advanced you will be seeing options like – Application manager, Google play store, Incoming calls and Install/Uninstall which are given higher priority compared to other applications downloaded from Google Play store.

At the bottom of the page you can see 4 options Refresh, Lock All, Unlock Settings (which will let you set a new password or Lock pattern to lock your apps) and security settings which will show you the details of your security question and answer.

After you have locked your required apps now you can happily without any tension give your phone to your friends or children without bothering about being peeped into your private stuff or children downloading or deleting your stuff without your knowledge.

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How to Protect Android applications using password??? How to Protect Android applications using password??? Reviewed by Ahamed Yaseen on 06:56 Rating: 5

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