AMD to introduce Ultrathin concept, on Ultrabooks


Intel has been excited about their Ultrabooks movement for a while now. Models by their partners are already on their way and there’s a lot happening on the mobile front as well. AMD, on the other hand doesn’t seem to have too many things happening. Arstechnica is reporting that AMD will be launching their Ultrathin concept (named similar to Intel’s Ultrabooks) on the back of their upcoming Trinity platform. The Trinity platform would be a combination of a CPU and GPU. The CPU would be an evolved extract of AMD’s recent Bulldozer processor, codenamed ‘Piledriver’. The Bulldozer hasn’t been as great a success as a mainstream desktop processor, yet, but as a power-efficient processor component, it has scope.

The GPU component of the platform will be pulled out from AMD’s latest evolution of the Radeon GPU, codenamed Southern Islands. Two variants of the platforms are expected - one low-power and one performance. AMD’s success may come by their aggressive pricing. While Intel aims at Ultrabooks being priced under $1,000 and hopefully $700 by the end of the year, AMD expects Ultrathins to launch at $700. There’s no official launch date for Trinity, but a more detailed strategy and timeline can be expected at AMD’s official financial analyst meeting slated for next month.
AMD to introduce Ultrathin concept, on Ultrabooks AMD to introduce Ultrathin concept, on Ultrabooks Reviewed by Ahamed Yaseen on 06:37 Rating: 5

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